Ten Concepts the Human Brain Cannot Comprehend

I know I do some funny stuff or some crazy stuff on here, but I like to tackle hard subjects too. That and I like to make people mad…  A lot of times I’ll sit and think about things until I get so mind blown because there are so many things we just can’t understand. Although entire sagas could be written about this stuff, I’ll try to be concise. Here are Ten Concepts the Human Brain Cannot Comprehend.

10. Art. What is art? It’s completely subjective, for one thing. I may look at something and view it as art, where someone else would pick it up and eat it without thinking twice about it. We have built up this entire culture of what is high art and low art while I don’t think we really even understand what it means to create “art”. Art is defined as: skill. Art can be any display of the skills we have, then correct? But art is often looked upon as some creative strike of muse, that we don’t even know what it is to create “art”. And why is that humans create art and other animals don’t? I know, you can stick a paintbrush in an elephant’s trunk and it can paint a picture, but is it comprehending the concept of creation? Who knows…

9. Music. What is music? It’s basically just talking while inflecting your voice in different pitches. Who started singing? One day was someone just talking and thought, “What on earth just happened to my voice?” I play the violin, piano, guitar, etc and listening to orchestrations of songs is incredible. The fact that humans can recognize the connection of notes and put them together to the point that will bring someone to tears is unfathomable. Why do humans react so strongly to music? And think of this, music is a universal language. Would it be possible to create a language through music without words? Music is defined as: vocal or instrumental sounds. Unlike art, there are multiple creatures that create beautiful music. Maybe that’s where we learned it….

8. The Internet. What the heck is the internet? I sit at my computer now and type this into the internet so other people sitting in front of other computers can hook their computer up to the internet and read it. What?? Check this out from 1994: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUs7iG1mNjI  We don’t even know what the internet is and now it’s on our phones, televisions, cars, etc. I’ve never seen the “internet”. By the way, my dictionary doesn’t even have a definition for the internet…

7. Language. What IS language?? I say ‘house’ and you think what? The house you live in, the White House, a mansion, a shack? We use language every minute of every day and we do not even understand the very concept of what language is. Other animals have language too, but I doubt that they are as complex as the variety of languages humans have created. And just the idea that every culture is defined by its own language identity is crazy. And can we even use language to define language?? In my dictionary it says: words and the methods of combining them for communication.

6. Love. What is love?  There are so many different types of love, that it’s hard for us to even understand. We love our family (some of us) unconditionally (hopefully). For me, at least, I can only think of a few things shy of murder that would make me want to completely turn my back on my family. And I hope they feel the same about me. As you know, my brother got married last week, and just seeing how much he loves his bride and seeing how much my family loves him and now this brand new person is in our family and we love her just like she grew up with us because she’s such a sweet and thoughtful person. What makes us love? Is love just an inborn emotion we build from being around a certain person so much? How can people love those who treat them so bad? And then you have to look at all the hatred in the world and you have to wonder, how can we all hate each other so much? Love is defined as strong affection.  ❤

5. Life. La vie? Every night before I go to sleep I always try to organize everything I have to do for the next day, because I’m anal retentive like that, somehow my thoughts always end up at: what am I doing here?? If we step back from our own obsessive thoughts about our day-to-day and look at the span of time from every person living and dying through the course of humanity, who are YOU? We act like Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber are so important, but really, who are they? And why are they more important that you? We have absolutely lost the idea that every life is important. And the more I hear about kids being bullied to the point of suicide, the more it angers me. Partially because those kids have no idea what kind of torment they are inflicting on another precious individual and also because that person didn’t realize how much they are really worth. And that breaks my heart. Life is defined as: quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body.

4. Infinity. This makes my head hurt. I already don’t understand numbers, but I really cannot comprehend infinity. The fact that something never ends can’t make sense in my brain. The idea that universe goes on and on and on makes me angry. How can something not end? We are trained through a series of cycles as children that time begins and ends. There was a moment when all began and there was a moment when all will end. Right? Wrong. If time was created by humans, maybe it only applies to humans. Maybe we are here for a small blip on the radar, but time will continue forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Infinite: having no limit. Vast.

3. Death. Ok, kind of cheating because I already used life. But seriously, death makes no sense to me. Is there a biological reason why cells decay? It does because it’s supposed to, yes, but is there an actual reason? If we continue to create our own energy, shouldn’t we, in theory, be able to live forever? And the fact that we do not understand death is terrifying. We speculate that we cease to exist, are reincarnated, go to heaven, go to hell, but those are all personal faith-based decisions that we make. Just look at the ways that people celebrate, mourn, and ritualize death, it’s incredible. Like other concepts, other animals understand the strangeness of death:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr-lKbrUw9M call me crazy, but that video really makes me upset because that mom can’t come to terms with the idea that her baby is gone. Definition, death: End of life.

2. War. Instead of saying ‘what is war’, I feel compelled to ask Why is war? For me, it seems like war always starts and no one knows why we’re all fighting, but we are and we’re not gonna stop until everyone’s dead. We haven’t learned from mistakes, we haven’t progressed. If any progression is occurring it’s only to build deadlier weapons to more effectively kill people. I understand there are bad people like Hitler. I also understand that so many people die in war. War: armed fighting between nations. Is this where “language” should come in? What are we going to have to do to create a world where war isn’t an option? I don’t have an answer here. I don’t know. Maybe it won’t be until we understand life that we won’t spread death.

1. God. What is God? Don’t kid yourself, I’m not trying to convert the masses by one paragraph on one blog. I’ll only say this: I cannot understand the first nine concepts without first accepting this one. I, for one, don’t want to live in a world where this is what we are at our best. We murder, steal, lie, cheat, destroy. We destroy not only ourselves, but the very planet we call home. You can laugh at God and call Him names all you want, but it utterly confuses me to think that humans try to understand a concept like God with a mindset that is exactly that: Human. We can’t understand that which is beyond our knowledge. And to try to explain it away is foolish. If God created us, it makes sense that we’d try so hard to destroy Him. If we created God, then why would we try? The universe is too big, time is too infinite and humans are too weak for us to be the greatest thing in this universe. God: Supreme Being.

I look up at the stars and I feel so very, very small. With each star could be a new solar system with planets and moons. I think of my one heartbeat in that very minute and realize I am nothing but a speck, smaller than the period at the end of the sentence of my life.

You. Are. Tiny.



Tomorrow’s post will be full of butterflies and John Mayer lyrics. Not really. Well, kind of. Check it out…

(photo courtesy of ethicalmedia.com)

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